So, Elon Musk bought Twitter eventually, a little bit less than a month ago. Here I want to summarise all the things that went south since then. I’ve a feeling that this would kill the social media even more.
If you read my blog before, you may know that I’ve been a Twitter-addict once, back in 2010. I’ve wrote a story about that, called ‘How I Fought My Twitter Addiction’.
- I was a moderate user since then, but I could control how much I’m there. With some exceptions, e.g. when the Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine had started, back in February.
This article is a work-in-progress. I published it to cite in my other stories. As soon as I’ll get some time, I’ll update it.
First, let me collect the changes since Elon bought Twitter. I call them ‘enhancements’. You know, irony.
- 2022 Nov: Verification blue-marks are a paid service now
- easily manipulated
- Stephen King drama
- impersonalisation
- Conspiracy theories
- so bots can accelerate any post, unnoticed
- Weird re-branding to X
- Likes are hidden
- so bots can accelerate any post even more, even more unnoticed
- Various persistent ‘bugs’
- You cannot like Pekka’s post, try it yourself! It is present for over a year.
- 2024-09-23, X will let people you’ve blocked see your posts
…to be updated
Blue Marks#
Following the acquisition of Twitter by Elon Musk on October 28, 2022, Musk told Twitter employees to introduce paid verification by November 7 through Twitter Blue.
Some Extra Links#
- The Verge: How Donald Trump and Elon Musk killed Twitter, with Marty Baron and Zoe Schiffer
- My cover image is taken from The Verge, as I like this idea of this new-X symbol killing the bird very much. Usually, I try to make a completely mine unique image. I modified it slightly, so its twisted now, as I want to add this twisted meaning too.