Well, actually it arrived a couple of weeks ago, but since I’ve been travelling all that time, I had very little time to sum-up my first impressions.
I’ve bought it to solve the typing-machine-for-work problem that I have. In short, the problem is with most of my work these days is the communication work. I have a full-blown super-expensive MacBook Pro. Which is overkill for most of these tasks. And it’s too heavy to take with me.
I’ve tried to work from my iPads, namely iPad 3 and iPad Pro. But they’re not quite right. The latter is a great device overall, but it’s too expensive for being just a [digital] typewriter machine.
I’ve got myself this model: Samsung Chromebook Series 3 (XE303C12). It has 2 GB of RAM and 16 GB of disk (it’s either SSD or eMMC, I don’t know, I think the latter).
The Reviews#
First, I’ve been sold by some reviews:
- The Wired review
- PC Mag UK
- CNET: Samsung Chromebook review
- Laptop Mag: Samsung Chromebook Series 3 (XE303C12) Review
They got me thinking about this very model.
I’ve been unsure for quite a long time. What sold me is the ‘MacBook Air 11 replica’ look. I realised that it’s perfect keyboard for me.
The Look#
When I’ve bought this laptop, I was both disappointed and happy about it. First, I think it’s fair to say that the price is to be considered first. The original price is circa $250. But I’ve bought mine used, for $60, excluding delivery. For that price, I cannot pick nits. I’m happy with the laptop.
Although, if I’d just put the money aside and do actually compare, the laptop hardware is crap.
It’s not visible from the photo. It looks good. MacBook Air 11 good. It’s feels not. It’s a replica, a cheap one. Here you can see WhatsApp Web opened.
I use it at nights. I write texts with it. It’s either emails or my diary. I though I’d communicate with clients, partners and team members, but it’s worse than iPad in that regard.
I’m going to keep this thing, and I’ll write a full review over some time.
Updated: You can read the bigger review in this post: How and Why I Painted My Chromebook Matte Black.
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