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Declined Job Offer from ArtLebedev Studio in Moscow

·2 mins
Job Offer Design Thoughts Essays

Today I got a job offer from a company I’ve been following for many years. I adored them as professionals, and wanted to work with them. It’s the biggest design company in Russia.

They posted an intersting public test task (that’s how they advertise they have a vacancy), and I’ve found it interesting. That was an infographics for Moscow’s Metro, some redesign. I did it mostly for fun and send them my vision. Then, I’ve got an invitation to work for them.

I declined the invitation without any further considerations, due to two reasons:

  1. I realised I no longer adore the company that much. They produce solid designs, but it’s not something of an imaginable quality level to me. They’re okay.
  2. I realised I don’t want to live in Moscow. I don’t like the city, and I don’t like their country even more. I still have clients there, I have some companies I work for (mostly remotely now), and if all of them would ask me to relocate, I would just decline everyone of them. That’s the primary reason. I no longer accept job invitations with the relocation package to Russia.

This short story teaches me many things, but first is probably the idea that one needs to know what one wants.

Comment as of 2022: well, yeah.

I’m lucky to have some very strong intuition.

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